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Instructor: Ms. Mazur

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This program combines theory with hands on practical skills that provide training in all aspects of the Cosmetology industry. Some of the skills learned, include: hairstyling; hair cutting; permanent waving, hair coloring, manicures, skin care and make up. Students have the opportunity to attend the New York City International Hair Show, in order to keep up with the latest trends in fashion and styling.


If all hours,(1,250), are completed by April of their senior year, students may apply and test for the State Board Exam in Cosmetology. This allows them to earn their Cosmetology license.

  • Cosmetologist
  • Cosmetology Teacher
  • Manicurist

Career Outlook

Career opportunities exist in all aspects of the Cosmetology field. These include:

  • Hair Stylist
  • Salon Owner/Manager
  • Cosmetology Instructor
  • Manicurist
  • Theatrical make-up & styling
  • Sales representatives for cosmetic firms
Most students are able to obtain a job in their field, with a great salary, by the age of 18.

Student Comments

"Coming to West Side CTC was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made in my educational career. It has improved my social skills as well as my academic achievements."

Kesley, Dallas Senior

"The Cosmetology program at West Side CTC has helped me to change my perspective on the future. I now know that I could have a successful career after high school."

Sarah, Wyoming Area Junior

Articulation Agreements

For information regarding statewide articulation agreements click the link below:
Articulation Agreements
Select your program of study and your graduation year. Click Search

The West Side Career and Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national orgin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. Career and Technical education program offerings include: Auto Body Repair; Automotive Technology; Business Marketing; Carpentry; Computer Info Systems; Computer Maintenance; Cosmetology; Culinary; Early Childhood Ed; Electrical; Health Related Tech; HVAC; Law Enforcement; Machine Tool; and Multi Media. Inquiries may be directed to West Side CTC’s Title XI Coordinator, Grant Palfey,, or the Section 504 Coordinator, Jerry Ogurkis,, or by mail: 75 Evans St Kingston PA 18704, or phone 570-288-8493.

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