Congratulations to the Titan Of The Month!
Name: Colton Storm  
Grade: 12th
Program: Law Enforcement/Police Science
Sending District: Wyoming Valley West
The West Side Career and Technology Center is a full-time comprehensive Career and Technology Center. A complete academic curriculum complements fully accredited career and technology courses, grades 9 thru 12.
Our Mission
The mission of the West Side Career and Technology Center is to provide a quality educational community in which all students will learn academic, career, technical, and soft skills necessary to prepare them to be contributing members of our society, skilled
members of the workforce, and responsible life-long learners prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Our Vision
With the support of highly qualified instructors, technologically integrated teaching strategies, and strong partnerships in post-secondary educational institutes of learning and in the workforce, the graduates of the West Side Career and Technology Center will be
provided with a climate in which they can grow intellectually and emotionally in order to be successful in the workforce as well as in secondary educational institutes of learning.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The West Side Career and Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disablility or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Inquiries may be directed to West Side CTC’s Title XI Coordinator, Grant Palfey,, or the Section 504 Coordinator, Jerry Ogurkis,, or by mail: 75 Evans St Kingston PA 18704, or phone 570-288-8493.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Act No. 93 of 1998, that the
Joint Operating Committee of West Side Career and Technology Center will hold
monthly meetings in the year 2025 on the fourth Monday of each month, except for
the months of May, when the meeting will be held on the third Tuesday, June, when the meeting will be held on the third Thursday, and December,
when the meeting will be held on the third Thursday.
All of the meetings will commence at 6:30 P.M. in the school cafeteria, 75 Evans Street,
Pringle, PA.
Public participation is by physical attendance at the meeting or by video/teleconference
technologies when available and accessible by using the link provided.
If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend any of these public
meetings upon the lifting of governmental restrictions and require an auxiliary aid, service or
other accommodation to do so, please contact the Administrative Director’s office at
(570) 288-8493 to discuss how the school may best accommodate your needs.
Elaine Pallone
Board Secretary
JOC Meeting Information
Zoom Webinar Connection Information:
When: Mar 24, 2025 06:30 PM Eastern Time
Topic: JOC Meeting - March 24 (Public)
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833
* * Please note that visitors may ask questions by use of the Raise Hand feature and Chat Window within the Zoom Meeting. Please reserve your questions until the appropriate time during the meeting. * *
The following documents have been posted for public review. If you have any questions or concerns about the plans, please email Ms. Elaine Pallone here.
Law Enforcement Students Tour Luzerne County Courthouse
Law Enforcement students visit the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas to observe trial process in action. (Click Image for Full View)
Challenge Program Recipients
(Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement Students Commended
The members of the Elk's Club provided all Law Enforcement students with a "Certificate for Outstanding Service and Contributions to Public Safety and Community Service" for the community service they perform each year.
In addition to receiving certificates, the Elk's Club treated students to pizza and soda. Officers from the Kingston Police Department were also at the event, and they thanked the students for assisting them in the various
events that occur in Kingston each year. Every student received a certificate, however those in attendance were: (Left to Right) Jullianna Stull, Ava Presto, Elijah Ramos, Isaiah Smith, Kaydence Presto, John Bonetski, Caiden Swartwood, Veronica Bogert, Aiden Washburn, and Gavin Babcock. (Click Image for Full View)
Junior Achievement
Students attend Junior Achievement Inspire event at Mohegan Sun Pocono Hotel & Convention Center exploring various career pathways. (Click Image for Full View)
Art Exhibition/Competition
Ava Swiderski, 10th grade student and passionate artist, has entered the Congressional Art Competition!
The winners will be announced April 26, 2024 at the reception at the Everhart Museum, Scranton PA.
The Exhibit will be held at the Everhart Museum April 27-May 5. (Click Image for Full View)
Gabriella Evarts, 10th grade student and passionate artist, has entered the Congressional Art Competition! (Click Image for Full View)
West Side CTC - Joint Operating Committee
(Click Image for Full View)
Seated (left to right) - Dr. Thomas Duffy, Chief School Administrator; Mrs. Mara Valenti, Wyoming Area SD; Mrs. Rebecca Rutkoski, Wyoming Area SD;
Mr. Peter Lanza, JOC President, Northwest SD; Mr. Michael DiMare, Dallas SD; Mrs. Kelley Kavanagh-Watkins, Dallas SD; Mr. Grant Palfey, Business Manager
Standing (left to right) - Mr. Philip Campenni, 1st Vice President, Wyoming Area SD; Mr. Jeff Pierontoni, Northwest SD; Atty. Charles Coslett, Solicitor;
Mr. Nicholas Wilson, Wyoming Valley West SD; Mr. Rick Kamus, Wyoming Valley West SD
SkillsUSA 2023
(Click Image for Full View)
History Club Takes Historical Walk Through City
Students in the history club participated in the annual Ghost Walk/Historical Walk through downtown Wilkes-Barre. (Click Image for Full View)
Culinary Arts Students Compete
Congratulations to Annelise Miliano and Nathalie Tineo for placing 2nd in the Pennsylvania ProStart Invitational Managerial Competition. (Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement Students Assist Local Civil Service Commission
Law Enforcement students assisted the Larksville Borough Civil Service Commission by scoring four police applicants participating in their civil service process this morning. Larksville is one of several local civil service commissions that use the Lowe’s-West Side CTC Obstacle Course for their police and fire applicant agility testing. (Click Image for Full View)