News & Events
Student Recognition
TCC Wireless
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Student Competitors Recognized
Students recognized for placing in various state competitions. (Click Image for Full View)
From Left: Gerald Conger, J.O.C. President; Matthew Jones, FBLA; Parents; Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal

From Left: Gerald Conger, J.O.C. President; Elijah Maniero, DECA; Alexander Hartman, DECA; Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal
Students in CTSOs Acknowledged
Students in certain Career and Technical Student Organizations recognized for placing in regional competitions, including DECA, FBLA, and SkillsUSA. (Click Image for Full View)
From Left: Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal; Gerald Conger, J.O.C. President; Mykah Onley, FBLA; Nicole Kmetz, Computer Information Technology Instructor/FBLA Advisor; Qualin Gilroy, FBLA
Miss UNICO 2018
Health Related Technology student, Cassandra Masters, was crowned Miss UNICO 2018 on May 24, 2018 at the Kirby Center. (Click Image for Full View)
98.5 KRZ Rockstar Teacher of the Month
Mrs. Kravitz was presented with the February ROCKSTAR TEACHER of the Month. A WSCTC alumni nominated Mrs. Kravitz for her hard work and dedication to our school and students. Mrs. Kravitz was presented with a well deserved recognition and a visit from 98.5 KRZ's Rocky and Lissa. (Click Image for Full View)
Non-Traditional Student Luncheon Held
West Side CTC recently held a luncheon for non-traditional students in CTE programs. (Click Image for Full View)
Jessica Vickerson, Store Manager for Lowes of Edwardsville, awarded West Side Career and Technology Center a Toolbox For Education Grant worth $5000. The grant will be used to construct an outdoor, twelve-station Lowes Law Enforcement Agility Training Course. The course will be used by WSCTC Law Enforcement students and any County Municipal Police Department that wants to train, screen and retain a physically fit police force. Once the course opens, township police departments like, Dallas, Forty Fort, Kingston, Lehman, Swoyersville, Wilkes-Barre and Wright, who have already pledged support for the project, will be able to utilize the course to recruit and retain officers. WSCTC students will also use the course as an integral part of the Law Enforcement fitness program. Read More... (Click Image for Full View)

Lowes Agility Training Course Check Presentation

Junior Leadership - Class of 2017/2018
From Left: Patrick Musto, J.O.C. President; Alexa Rosario, Computer Networking & Maintenance, WVW; Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal
West Side CTC Law Enforcement students participated in a Memorial Service for Fallen Police Officers on Friday, May 19th at the Wilkes-Barre Police Department. (Click Image for Full View)

Memorial Service for Fallen Police Officers
Standing in the middle of the Law Enforcement students is Wilkes-Barre City Police Chief Marcella Lendacky.
Students from the West Side CTC Law Enforcement Program met with Congressman Lou Barletta at the 2017 Annual Back Mountain Police Association’s Kids Fishing Day. Law Enforcement students helped children get to where they needed to go during the day and assisted them with any questions or problems they had. (Click Image for Full View)

Back Mountain Police Association's Kids Fish Day
Left to Right: Ross Piazza (PA Fish and Boat Commission), Matthew Kochinski, Tyler Vitale, Noah Miller, Mykenna Dekin, Dealla Rasmus, Brian Lupher, Congressman Barletta, Chief Daniel Hunsinger, Officer John Fuches (Kingston Twp P.D.) and two of Congressman Barletta’s aides
West Side Career and Technology Center’s marketing students recently competed in the Pennsylvania DECA state competition. DECA is a national marketing club. The annual conference hosts more than 2,000 students from across Pennsylvania. West Side Marketing student Saadiq Moorman won a medal in the automotive services category. For information on the West Side Career Center’s marketing program, contact Tom Pieczynski Jr. at 570-288-8493. News Article (Click Image for Full View)

Pennsylvania DECA State Competition
Left to Right: David Barber, Wyoming Valley West; Saadiq Moorman, Wyoming Valley West; Angelina Federici, Wyoming Area; Rachael J. Hurrey, Wyoming Area; Ania Austion, Wyoming Valley West and Keiarra-Lynn Anne Daniels, Wyoming Valley West
Law Enforcement Students assisted Forty Fort Borough pass out recycling calendars as part of a community service project over the winter break. (Click Image for Full View)

Community Service Project
Left to Right: Mr. Hunsinger, Noah Miller, Brian Lupher, Gavin Burke, Ricki George and Forty Fort Officer Matthew Smith
Law Enforcement students assisted the Kingston Police Department with their second annual Teen Buckle-Up Campaign. Kingston Police applied for and reviewed a grant to educate teen drivers on the importance of using their seat belts. Law Enforcement students handed out brochures to help educate the teen drivers. (Click Image for Full View)

Teen Buckle-Up Campaign
Front Row: Dylan Dundore 9th Grade, Mykenna Dekin 9th Grade, Noah Miller 10th Grade, Joshua Bonetski 9th Grade, Joseph Chacke 11th Grade. Second Row: Mr. Hunsinger, Officer Matthew Bonawits, Sergeant Thomas McTague, Ricki George 11th Grade, Gavin Burke 11th Grade, Tyler Vitale 11th Grade, Kelsey Hawk 12th Grade, Gabrielle Witten 12th Grade, Sergeant Samuel Blaski, Officer John Sosnoski and Assistant Director Rick Rava

Junior Leadership - Class of 2016/2017
From Left: David Paulauskas, J.O.C. President; Veranda Stritzinger, Culinary Program; Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal

Junior Leadership - Class of 2016/2017
From Left: David Paulauskas, J.O.C. President; Jonathan Heatherman, Cosmetology Program; Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal

Junior Leadership - Class of 2015/2016
From Left: David Paulauskas, J.O.C. President; Mark Coolbaugh, Electrical Program; Richard Rava, Assistant Director/Principal