Home - Programs
- Career & Technology - Law Enforcement / Police Science
- Career & Technology
- Auto Body / Collision & Repair Technology
- Automotive Technology
- Carpentry & Building Construction
- Computer Information Technology
- Computer Maintenance Technology
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Occupation
- Health Related Technologies
- Law Enforcement / Police Science
- Machine Tooling Technology
- Multi-Media Technology
- H.V.A.C.
- Sales Distributon & Marketing Education
Law Enforcement / Police Science
The basic training curriculum for entry level Law Enforcement Officers is structured to accomplish a number of Law Enforcement training objectives. First and foremost, this training should provide Law Enforcement students with the technical proficiency needed in the performance of their duties. This curriculum stresses the integration of job centered skills, knowledge, roles and tasks, with an understanding of the human interaction context within which Law Enforcement actions are taken. It builds upon the task analysis and training needs assessments.
During the 3 year educational process, the student will be exposed to various hands on training. This includes: operating a police vehicle; firearms; fingerprinting; accident/crime scene equipment; handcuffing; photographing, etc. In addition, studies include several community projects, internships and educational field trips.
- Adult CPR
- AED Essentials
- First Aid
- Infant and Child CPR
- BloodBorne Pathogens
- Epilepsy Training
- Interviewing Deceptive Juveniles Training
Career Outlook
Articulation agreements have been developed with LCCC, Lackawanna College, and Kings College, which will provide college credits and advanced placement opportunities for student?s entering their Criminal Justice Programs. This curriculum is designed for application for the roles and functions of a Law Enforcement Officer, and provides training for entry level Law Enforcement/Police Science Personnel.
Some occupations available after further training include:
- Police: Federal, State, County, Local and Military
- Security
- Game Commission
- Paralegal
- Arson Investigator
- US Marshall
- Forensics
Articulation Agreements
For information regarding statewide articulation agreements click the link below:
Articulation Agreements
Select your program of study and your graduation year. Click Search
The West Side Career and Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national orgin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. Career and Technical education program offerings include: Auto Body Repair; Automotive Technology; Business Marketing; Carpentry; Computer Info Systems; Computer Maintenance; Cosmetology; Culinary; Early Childhood Ed; Electrical; Health Related Tech; HVAC; Law Enforcement; Machine Tool; and Multi Media. Inquiries may be directed to West Side CTC’s Title XI Coordinator, Grant Palfey, gpalfey@wsctc.net, or the Section 504 Coordinator, Jerry Ogurkis, jogurkis@wsctc.net, or by mail: 75 Evans St Kingston PA 18704, or phone 570-288-8493.
Community & Events
West Side CTC Law Enforcement Students Provide Security at the Irem Shrine Circus
The West Side CTC Law Enforcement students are out in full force providing security for the Irem Shrine Circus. Irem Shrine Circus 2022 Photo. (Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement Students Assist Back Mountain Police Association
West Side CTC Law Enforcement students recently helped members of the Back Mountain Police Association prepare for their annual Kid's Fishing Day that is being held at Frances Slocum State Park on Saturday, May 7, 2022. (Click Image for Full View)
Front Row: Tyler Brzozowski, Joseph Rossavik, Erik Trasciatti, and Zachary Quigley
Second Row: Colton Storm, Ava Presto, Kaylee Dorish, Tarena Moore, and Ja'Nayah Cato
Law Enforcement/Autobody Students Collaborate On Project
Autobody and Law Enforcement students at WSCTC join forces in a collaborative effort to redesign and rebrand the school's police interceptor. (Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement Students Tour Luzerne County Courthouse
Law Enforcement students got to observe 3 trials and received a guided tour of the Luzerne County courthouse during a two day field trip. Students heard testimony of an attempted homicide that occurred in Wilkes-Barre, a drug smuggling case from the Dallas State Correctional Facility, and a civil case involving injuries received from a motor vehicle pursuit involving the Wilkes-Barre Police Department. (Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement - Pop Shield Donation
The Law Enforcement Program received a donation of a bulletproof Pop Shield from the Yeager Insurance Company. Taking the photo was Donnie Douglas Evans, sponsor of the Skate with a Cop fundraiser which donates the pop shields to local law enforcement agencies throughout Luzerne County. The official shield will be presented at the skateaway event on March 15th. (Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement - Student Officer Promotions
Congratulations to Captain Robert Saltz; Lieutenant Gage Gower; Sergeant Dalton Skasko and Corporal Dillan Thorne. These students were sworn in by District Justice David Barilla after competing in a promotional process that was identical to the process that police agencies use. (Click Image for Full View)
Lowe’s West Side CTC Obstacle Course - Candidate Testing
West Side CTC Law Enforcement students assisted the Edwardsville police department and the Edwardsville Borough Civil Service Commission test candidates for the position of full-time police Officer using the Lowe’s West Side CTC Obstacle Course. (Click Image for Full View)
Vietnam Memorial "The Healing Wall" @ W.V.W. High School
Law Enforcement Juniors and Seniors visited the Vietnam Memorial "The Healing Wall" while it was located at the Wyoming Valley West high school. While there, veterans responsible for the wall asked if any students would come back to assist in dismantling the wall and packing it back up into the trailer so it can be transported to its next location. (Click Image for Full View)
Back Mountain Police Association's Kids Fish Day 2019
Students from the West Side CTC Law Enforcement Program assisted at the annual Back Mountain Police Association's Kids Fishing Day. (Click Image for Full View)
West Side CTC Law Enforcement Students Provide Security at the Irem Shrine Circus
West Side CTC Law Enforcement Program provides security for the Irem Shrine Circus as part of their annual community service efforts. Irem Shrine Circus 2019 Photo. (Click Image for Full View)
Law Enforcement Graduates Sworn In
Three 2018 law enforcement graduates were sworn in as Auxiliary Police Officers for Forty Fort Borough on Friday, June 22nd. They will assist the Department as needed and will be compensated for their service. (Click Image for Full View)
Left to Right: Gavin Burke, Michael Sims, Tyler Vitale
West Side CTC Students Install Smoke Detectors in Local Communities
Law Enforcement students assisted the American Red Cross and the Kingston/Forty Fort Fire Department in installing Smoke Alarms and teaching people about Fire Safety throughout the Kingston and Forty Fort area on Saturday, May 12, 2018. (Click Image for Full View)
West Side CTC Law Enforcement Students Provide Security at the Irem Shrine Circus
West Side CTC Law Enforcement Program provides security for the Irem Shrine Circus as part of their annual community service efforts. Irem Shrine Circus 2018 Photo. (Click Image for Full View)
Left to Right: 1st Row - Caitlin Thens, Julian Galchefski, Damian Umphrey, Jessica Irizarry, Emma Caruthers, Brentton VanDyke, Dalton Skasko, Tyler Bayne, Kali Madl, Robert Saltz, John Dezinski, Anthony Hunzer;
2nd Row - Giana Rosengrant, Blaize Heddings, Mykenna Dekin, Noah Miller, Michael Sims, Nicholas Wido, Tyler Vitale, Preston Meade, Ricky George, Daisialee Velazquez;
3rd Row - Nysha Purnell, Gage Gower, Matthew Kochinski, Darwin Lara, Logan Strickland, Joshua Bonetski, Brian Lupher, Dealla Rasmus
Missing from Photo: Cortes Adams, Gavin Burke, Joseph Chacke, Tyler Rossi, Brandon Thorne, Jonathon Thorne, Dillan Thorne.
West Side CTC Students March in Wilkes-Barre St. Patrick's Day Parade
The Lieutenant Governor, Mike Stack, made a special request to Wilkes-Barre's Police Chief that West Side CTC Law Enforcement Students carry his banner in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Wilkes-Barre on Sunday. (Click Image for Full View)
From Left: Logan Strickland, Dealla Rasmus and Tyler Vitale
Community Service - West Side CTC Students & Forty Fort PD On Halloween Patrol
West Side CTC Law Enforcement Students were on patrol with officers of the Forty Fort Police Department on Halloween. Students assisted Forty Fort police officers in passing out candy to children in Forty Fort Borough. In addition to passing out candy, students also kept a watchful eye to make sure everyone had a safe and fun Halloween experience. (Click Image for Full View)
Community Service - Forty Fort Borough Spring Clean-up
Law Enforcement students from West Side CTC assisted Forty Fort Borough with their 1st ever Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, May 20th and Sunday, May 21st. Students assisted Street Department Foreman and West Side CTC Graduate Rick Kamus unload junk from peoples vehicles and place it into dumpsters along with sprucing up the park and cleaning the newly constructed pavilion's floor. (Click Image for Full View)
Class Trip To Ocean City, Maryland Police Department

Back Mountain Police Association's Kids Fish Day 2017
Students from the West Side CTC Law Enforcement Program met with Congressman Lou Barletta at the 2017 Annual Back Mountain Police Association’s Kids Fishing Day. (Click Image for Full View)
Left to Right: Ross Piazza (PA Fish and Boat Commission), Matthew Kochinski, Tyler Vitale, Noah Miller, Mykenna Dekin, Dealla Rasmus, Brian Lupher, Congressman Barletta, Chief Daniel Hunsinger, Officer John Fuches (Kingston Twp P.D.) and two of Congressman Barletta’s aides
Irem Shrine Circus Preperation & Setup